New Delhi: TV actor Dheeraj Dhoopar who recently tied the knot with longtime girlfriend-actress Vinny Arora turned an year older on Tuesday. Vinny has penned a beautiful message for hubby Dheeraj, who is celebrating first birthday post-wedding.

The actress called herself luckiest wife and shared a beautiful picture from their 'Sangeet' ceremony.

She captioned it," Happy birthday to the love of my life, the husband of my dreams.. My partner in crime,my drinking partner, shopping partner, movie partner,my favourite partner for all the holidays we've taken & are yet to take, my partner for all the lunch/dinner dates & nap dates too!???? My savior from all the troubles.. Not enough words to express how happy & blessed I feel each day.. Falling in love with you harder every time ❤️ Wishing you the best of everything in the world birthday buoy!



The actress has posted another picture in which they are seen showering love on each other. 

Here it is: