New Delhi: The cute couple of Television Industrym Dheeraj Dhoopar and Vinny Arora got married on 16th November. Although it a close knit affair but still some of their TV friends were present at the wedding ceremony.

Dheeraj and Vinny have been dating since 2010. The duo first met on the sets of the show ‘Mata Pitah Ke Charnon Mein Swarg’ and bonded well since then. Just a day before, Vinny Arora made a big change on her Instagram account. Guess what it could be?

Vinny changed her name on the Instagram from Vinny Arora to Vinny Arora Dhoopar.

Actress also posted a lovely picture with caption “Do mastaane chale zindagi bananey.. ❤️”

Take a look :

Dheeraj and Vinny were looking super stunning on their D-Day. Couple visited Golden Temple Amritsar. Next day of their wedding.