Small screen actress Rashami Desai recently hostes a lavish kitty party for her industry friends. Interestingly it was an Arabian theme based party where the guests opted for Arabian look in their beautiful outfits. The bash was attended by Debina Bannerji, Kashmera Shah, actor Karan Mehra's wife Nisha Rawal, designer Rohit Verma and few others ladies.

Rashami and her friends had a gala time at the party and enjoyed to their fullest. The girl gang posed for pictures and were seen spending quality time with each other.

Uttaran & Dil Se Dil Tak actress Rashami Desai opens up about suffering from Psoriasis, a skin disease

Actress Nisha Rawal looked beautiful in a purple satin dress and oozed oomph with her sexy look following the theme. She shared a few series of pictures on her Instagram page and wrote, "To high heels & fun nights with my kitties. Theme: #ArabianNights by our darling host @imrashamidesai ♥️".

Host Rashmi too looked stunning in a dark blue off shoulder dress:

pic credit: Instagram

Take a look at some more party pictures below -

TV actress Debina Bannerji with tarot card reader Munisha Khatwani

Kashmera Shah posing with tarot card reader Munisha Khatwani at the party

Debina Bannerji with tarot card reader Munisha Khatwani

Host Rashami Desai with tarot card reader Munisha Khatwani

Rashami Desai was last seen in Colors' Dil Se Dil Tak and since then has has been absent from the screens though she made appearances in several reality shows but has not taken any shows. A few days back, Rashami revealed that she is dealing with Psoriasis which is a skin problem.