New Delhi: Colors TV’s popular show ‘Udaan’ is all set to take a generation leap and the story will now focus on Chakor and Suraj’s daughter Anjor. Speculations have been rife for several days that the show will take a leap but the makers were tight-lipped about the development. The channel has finally confirmed that the show will take a leap on social media. ‘Saath Nibhana Saathiya’ fame actress Tanya Sharma will play the grown-up Anjor in ‘Udaan’.

Arti Singh and Anurag Sharma to enter 'Udaan' post leap?

Joining Tanya will be Gaurav Sareen, who last played the lead role in ‘Krishna Chali London’. The two actors will play each other’s love interest in the show.

Colors channel a picture featuring the two on Instagram with the caption, ‘’Shuru hone ja raha hai #Udann ka ek naya daur, sirf 3 din baad.’’ Both Tanya and Gaurav have reposted the photo on their respective Instagram accounts.

Talking about ‘Udaan’, the show featured Vijayendra Kumeria and Meera Deosthale in the respective roles of Suraj and Chakor. The show has completed over 1200 episodes and is quite popular among the viewers despite being shifted to a new time slot. The fans of Meera and Vijayendra are upset as the focus will now shift on the new pair.

While Vijayendra and Vidhi Pandya (Imli) have already left show, gossip mills are buzzing with the rumours that Meera will continue to remain a part of the show.

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