Veteran actress Rita Bhaduri, who worked extensively in films and television shows, including the ongoing "Nimki Mukhiya", died here on Tuesday, said a source from the hospital where she was admitted for over a week. Rita was at the Sujay Hospital in Vile Parle. She was fighting a weak kidney and was on dialysis. "She died at around 1.30 a.m. and her family members took her body from the hospital at around 4 a.m.," the source told IANS.
Her funeral will take place today at 12 PM at the Cremation Ground, Parsi Wada Road, Parshiwada, Chakala, Andheri East.
Mortal remains of the actressActor Shishir Sharma took to his Facebook account to share the news of Rita's demise.
"We deeply regret to inform you that Rita Bhaduri has departed for her journey beyond... Extremely sad. Lost a wonderful human being... A mother to many of us. Will miss u Ma," he wrote.
Sharma informed that the actress' funeral rites will be held on Tuesday at 12 noon at the Cremation Ground, Parsi Wada Road, Parshiwada, Chakala, Andheri East.
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RIP! Rita BhaduriIn "Nimki Mukhiya", she was seen as a Imarti Devi, the grandmother of the house.
With a career spanning over five decades, Rita played important supporting parts in movies like "Kabhi Haan Kabhi Naa", "Kya Kehna", "Dil Vil Pyar Vyar" and "Main Madhuri Dixit Banna Chahti Hoon". She also featured in Gujarati movies.
Rita Bhaduri death: Vivek Dahiya, Anup Soni & other TV celebs mourns the death of veteran actress!
On the TV front, her credits include popular shows like "Hasratein", "Sarabhai vs Sarabhai", "Khichdi", "Ek Nayi Pehchaan", "Amanat", "Ek Mahal Ho Sapnon Ka" and "Kumkum". She was particularly popular for playing roles of a mother or grandmother.
Actress Shiwani Chakraborty of "Nimki Mukhiya" said: "For the past two months, she was not keeping well. I will really miss her. More than a co-actor, she was a great human being. I learnt a lot of things from her. She was just like a family member to me."
Actress Garima Singh, who played her daughter-in-law in the show, said: "We used to share the shame room. So we used to talk about lots of things. She was a very positive person."