Popular TV actress Jaswir Kaur who is a new mom is on cloud nine ever since the arrival of her little bundle of joy. The 'Waaris' actress gave birth of her daughter a month ago on June 26 and as her baby girl turned a month old today, Jaswir took to her social media page to share a series of adorable clicks of little Nyra. Along with the pics she wrote: #Nyra turns a month old today ???????? thank u #Nyra for coming into our life's ???? for choosing us as your parents ???? the meaning of a life is changed of us
Jaswir Kaur in 'Waaris'
Revealing her baby's tiny feet, lil hands and finally her angelic face, Jaswir shared pics in slides on her social media page, check them all below:
Isn't she too cute to melt our hearts?
The actress last seen on & TV's 'Waaris' is on a sabbatical leave ever since she got pregnant, the new mom is busy nurturing her baby at home. And we hope to see Jaswir back on screen soon!