TV actress Akangsha Rawat was in the news last year for her separation with 'Beyhadh' actor Piyush Sahdev. Now here comes a bad news for Akangsha Rawat's fans as she is currently going through a tragic personal loss. Reportedly, her mother is no more and Akangsha is mourning her loss. Akangsha, reportedly, lost her mother on 5th May. The exact reason for the death of Akangsha's mother is not yet known.

Akangsha with estranged hubby Piyush Sahdev (Photo: Instagram)

Akangsha shared the same by sharing a picture of her late mother. Check out the picture here:

After coming out of JAIL, 'Beyadh' actor Piyush Sahdev set for COMEBACK on TV!

She also shared few pictures with her mother on Instagram as Akangsha wishes her mother's soul to rest in peace. She captioned the pictures as, "Hope you fly away to a wonderland where there is only peace ☮️ & love ???? love u forever & ever..."

Here's the post (SWIPE LEFT):

On the career front, Akangsha was a part of shows like Solhah Singarr (Sahara One) and Palampur Express (Sony TV).

Our deepest condolences to the family. RIP!