Recently we came across a video in which Manveer is seen talking about his marriage and daughter with Bani J in the kitchen area. Rahul Dev and Karan Mehra were also standing there. Manveer told Bani that he got married at the age of 22 but his wife and daughter were not aware that he was coming to Bigg Boss 10.
Not just this, Manveer also sent out a message to his 3-year-old daughter Veebhisha.
Check out this video:
Well it could be said that Manveer was not lying because he talked about his marriage on the show. The difference is that show was edited very smartly. This makes us think that, was this done to get Manveer Gurjar more female fan following?
Earlier in the day, Manveer said in a video that he got married under pressure.
Check out this video:
Manveer now that you have revealed the truth, we are sure that your fans must be happy now.