New Delhi : Colors TV’s show Kasam Tere Pyar Ki has gained a lot of popularity in very short span of time. Now after Tannu’s Death in show, makers have decided to take the story ahead with a leap of 10-15 years.

Show gave their audience an unforgettable jodi of Tannu and Rishi to cherish. Rishi’s character is being played by Ssharad Malhotra and Tannu’s character was played by Kratika Sengar. Their on-screen chemistry was loved by everyone. The on-screen couple created the different meaning of love and passion altogether and took it to another level.

Now as we all know, that Kratika’s role as Tannu is over in the show, everybody will miss her.  During her farewell from the sets, the whole team including Ssharad Malhotra got nostalgic . But here is something that we need to tell you!

You can’t guess who will miss Kratika the most! Its her on-screen love Rishi aka Ssharad Malhotra, who recently shared a post showing how much he will miss her!