MTV's popular reality show 'Splitsvilla 11' went on-air last week with TV's known names like Fahad Ali and Anshuman Malhotra as contestants. Just like every year, ex 'Roadies' contestants are also a part of show's current season too. 'Roadies Xtreme' contestants Shruti Sinha and Rohan Hingorani, who were a part of Nikhil Chinapa's gang, have participated in 'Splitsvilla 11' this year. Today (12th August), the second episode of 'Splitsvilla 11' will go on-air and the names of show's winners have already been revealed.
Rannvijay & Sunny in 'Splitsvilla 11' (Photo: Instagram)
Splitsvilla WINNER and HOT model in Bigg Boss 12!
The dating reality show, hosted by Rannvijay Singha and Sunny Leone, is popular among the youngsters due to the format and fun tasks. 'Splitsvilla' viewers are yet to choose their favorites as they are still not very familiar with the contestants but the names of show's winners are out now.
Shruti Sinha (Photo: Instagram)
According to India Forums, "Roadies fame Shruti Sinha and Rohan Hingorani will be winning the title for this season. Last season Baseer and Naina emerged as the winner of the show."
Ex 'Splitsvilla' contestant in LOVE with a 'Big Brother' contestant!
Rohan Hingorani (Photo: Instagram)
Shruti & Rohan share a close bond ever since their 'Roadies' days in which they were in the same gang and were best friends. Seems like, their bond will get stonger during their 'Splitsvilla' journey and they will emerge out as winners.
Rohan & Shruti in 'Roadies Extreme' (Photo: Instagram)
Are you happy with Rohan & Shruti winning 'Splisvilla 11'? Do tell us in the comments section below!
UPDATE: MTV Splitsvilla 11: Not Rohan Hingoria, but THIS 'Roadies' contestant to WIN the show with Shruti Sinha!