New Delhi : Famous actor from the small screen Anas Rashid aka Sooraj from the serial ‘Diya Aur Baati Hum’ in creating a buzz now. But he is not in the news due to his work but infact is gaining attention because of his marriage plans.

Anas’s fans and family want him to get hitched soon, a leading daily has reported. It us also being said that when he visited his hometown for Eid celebrations, his family was allegedly keen on looking for the perfect rishta for the actor.

While talking to the daily, the actor said, "Every time I go to my hometown, this rumour starts. Yes it's true that my parents are keen on finding a girl for me and dinner table conversations are only about my marriage these days." It’s also said that the actor plans to tie the knot once his show 'Diya Aur Baati Hum' ends in September, the daily added.

Reacting to it, the actor told the site, "I am not really sure when my show is going off air, but I will tie the knot soon after it gets over."