The cast of popular TV show “Siya Ke Ram”, including actors Ashish Sharma, Madirakshi and Karan Suchak, got emotional while shooting for an upcoming sequence together.
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While shooting for a scene showcasing the death of Raja Dashrath (Dalip Tahil), the entire on-screen royal family of Ayodhya got together. As it was probably their last time working with each other, the cast got emotional and decided to shoot for the sequence without glycerine.
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“It was very, very emotional. Everyone was teary-eyed to another level altogether. Only we know how we managed to shoot for the scene because we knew once the scene is over, we would not be shooting such a scene together again,” Ashish, who plays the role of Ram in the show, said in a statement.
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“Yes, there would be separate scenes but this was a last scene for all of us together as Ayodhya's royal family and as family off screen too. All of us had a group hug for five minutes and took a while to recover from the entire atmosphere,” he added.
“Siya Ke Ram” will next focus on Sita (Madirakshi), Ram and Lakshman's (Karan) journey in the jungle along with Raavan (Karthik Jayaram).
The show is a unique representation of Ramayana from Sita's perspective.