The 'Shararat' actress and TV host Shruti Seth who's married to filmmaker Danish Aslam, is melting hearts with her latest social media post. Actress, who will next be seen in ALTBalaji's upcoming web series titled 'Mentalhood', just had a family swim day and a picture of the mommy-daughter duo posing for a pic clicked by the daddy dear Danish will make you go Awww! Shruti donning a black monokini and daughter Alina Aslman in a pink two piece swimming costume were termed "supermodels" by Mukti Mohan who was among the many other followers and industry friends reacting to the super cute picture. Fans on the other hand find Alina resembling Alia Bhatt a lot.

Shruti posted the picture on Instagram and captioned it - "Strike a pose. Clearly I missed the cue. [camera emoji]:@dontpanic79 #familyswimday #waterbaby #mommyanddaughter #growinguptoofast #shruphotodiary"

Husband Danish had captured the beautiful ladies of his family and the love keeps pouring in on this amazing click with celebrities flooding the post with their lovely comments.

Shruti's 'Shararat' co-star Karanvir Bohra: "Awwwww!"

Roshni Chopra: "Way too much cuteness for one frame! Love"

Sandhya Mridul: "Ohmygod look at her pose bleddy"

Shweta Salve: "Ufffff you Heartbreakers????"

Mini Mathur: "Sooooooooo cuuuuuuute"

Benafsha Soonawalla: "[emoji with heart eyes]"

Mukti Mohan: "Supermodels"

Manasi Scott: "How cute is she @shru2kill ... I mean that a pose alright!! She’s #nailedit better than most pro models!![heart emoji]"

The cutie Alina is also compared with Alia Bhatt and a lot people are mentions the 'Brahmastra' actress' name in their reactions to the pic.

A fan wrote: "Your daughter is replica of Alia Bhatt"

Another one: "She looks lyk choti alia Bhatt ???????? ... Hope she vl be one day"

Fans find Shruti Seth's daughter Alina Aslam resembling Alia Bhatt in her latest picture enjoying a swim day with mommy

Shruti Seth's daughter Alina Aslam's latest picture reminds fans of Alia Bhatt

While the cutie's face and smile reminds fans of Alia, did you notice the similarity in their names too? Alia and Alina!

Little Alina is 4 years old. Last seen in 'TV, Biwi aur Main' in a lead role, 41 yr old Shruti Seth had tied the knot with Danish Aslam in 2010. Danish had debuted in directed with Imran Khan-Deepika Padukone starrer 'Break Ke Baad' in 2010.

ALSO - Karanvir Bohra, Shruti Seth, Farida Jalal & others’ ‘Shararat’ reunion pics will make you nostalgic!

Remembered for her role as a teeanger 'Jia' in 'Shararat', Shruti also hosted 'Comedy Circus' for many years. Shruti also did multiple films which include 'Waisa Bhi Hota Hai Part II', 'Fanaa', 'Ta Ra Rum Pum' & 'Rajeenti' among others and she would next be seen in 'Mentalhood', a web series that will stream on Ekta Kapoor's ALT Balaji and which also features Bollywood actresses Karisma Kapoor and Sandhya Mridul. Dino Morea has also been roped in for a pivotal role in the show, say reports.

Mentalhood is about a group of independent women.