It was only a few days ago we told you how Kapil Sharma had fun with Bollywood actor Govinda on 'The Kapil Sharma Show.' Kapil Sharma who has been shooting back to back for his new show on Sony TV was recently operated for an ailment. The actor has reportedly undergone a surgery!

The ace comedian, Kapil Sharma is unwell these days. We hear that the actor has undergone a surgery. According to our source, "Kapil was suffering from the Cyst in his neck, for which he had to undergo a surgery. The surgery took place on the same day when the crew had to shoot with Govinda, but his doctor, Vijay Lulla suggested him to shoot. Sources from the set also informed that Kapil had to shoot for the day because they got a date with Govinda after a long time."

Also: Kapil Sharma calls Govinda his GURU on ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’

We Wish Kapil a speedy recovery!