Shinchan remains one of the most beloved cartoon characters in India and globally. The animated series gained immense popularity in India after it began airing on Hungama TV in 2006, with Hindi dubs. However, due to its controversial content, the show faced a ban in India in 2008. In a recent interview on The Motor Mouth YouTube channel, Aakash Ahuja, the voice actor behind Shinchan's Hindi dub, reflected on his experience working on the show, even admitting that he found the content "lewd." 

Shinchan voice artiste calls the show "lewd"

Discussing some of the inappropriate scenes he had to dub, Aakash shared, “I have seen Shinchan dancing naked and I have dubbed that too. Because they would say that you dub this, then we’ll see. He would sing lines like ‘haathi, mera pyara haathi’ and it was so lewd. Even adults shouldn’t watch it, it was so dirty. They would censor it all later." 

Aakash recalls problematic lines from Shinchan

Aakash also recalled some problematic lines from the show, which eventually led to legal troubles.  

“There used to be a line on the show ‘Bachhe churane vali moti budhiya (fat woman who steals babies),’ that was the line. After the case was filed… by then we had done around 150-200 episodes, I was called and all those lines were changed otherwise Shinchan would never be put on air. We changed all those lines so it could go on TV,” he said. 

As the show's popularity grew, Aakash began to experience difficulties with the job. He ultimately stepped away from dubbing, citing vocal strain and the need to focus on his school board exams. "My voice changed as I got older. What I could do at age 10, I couldn’t do anymore by the time I was 15," he explained. 

After a year-long ban, Shinchan returned to Indian screens in 2009 with some modifications to its content. The series follows the mischievous adventures of Shinnosuke Nohara, a 5-year-old kindergartener who often creates chaos for his family and friends.