Popular TV actress Sriti Jha aka the shy Pragya of 'Kumkum Bhagya' has finally decided to shed her  girl-next-door image. As the diva left her fans jaw-dropped in her latest pic from her Thailand vacation. Recently we informed you that some of 'Kumkum Bhagya' actors including leading lady Sriti Jha, villian Leena Jumani along with Arjit Taneja and Kunal Karan Kapoor were in Thailand for ringing in the new year.

Sriti Jha as Pragya of 'Kumkum Bhagya'

We even showed you few pics where these stars were having a gala time[SEE PICS: ‘Kumkum Bhagya’ actress flaunts her BEACH BODY in a RED SWIMSUIT !

And now Sriti's best friend and 'Naagin' actress Mouni Roy took to Instagram to share a hot & sizzling pic of her. In the pic Sriti is wearing an orange bikini standing alongside her rumoured boyfriend Kunal Roy Kapoor.

Mouni Roy later deleted this pic from her accountJ

Interestingly Mouni blurred Kunal's pic, but we can easily figure out him as he is almost present in ever pic shared by the stars on social media.

Sriti Jha's rumoured boyfriend Kunal Kapoor(L) standing alongside his lady love and other Kumkum Bhagya stars

No doubt Sriti is looking like a hottie just like her bestie Mouni Roy, along with the pic the 'Naagin' actress wrote: My girl s a hottie ???? @itisriti

Check out:

No doubt Sriti is looking like a diva and this is the first time we are seeing her in a bikini. Meanwhile Sriti's co-star and evil lady of Kumkum Bhagya Leena Jumani aka Tanu too shared a hot pic in bikini flaunting her back:

No doubt these girls had a blasting time in Thailand, here are some more pics from there sizzlign vacation: