TV actor Anas Rashid, who got immense love from the audience for the role of 'Sooraj Rathi' in popular Star Plus show 'Diya Aur Baati Hum', recently got engaged to Chandigarh girl, Heena in a close-knit affair. It is an arranged marriage for the couple.

Anas with 'Diya Aur Baati Hum' co-star Deepika

Anas also confirmed the news to an entertainment portal and said that he wore a designer suit which he got from Mumbai. As per the report of the portal, the ceremony took place at his hometown, Malerkotla.

Famous TV Actress is getting MARRIED on May 22 for the second time!

Heena is a 24-year-old simple girl who hails from Malerkotla in Punjab. She has been living in Chandigarh for the past 6 years.

Here's a picture from his engagement ceremony:

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Reportedly, the couple is all set to tie the knot in the end of this year but Anas has not yet confirmed the date.

Congratulations to the couple!