Popular television actress Dipika Kakkar, who shot to fame with her role of Simar in the television show 'Sasural Simar Ka' celebrated her first Eid post wedding with husband Shoaib Ibrahim on Saturday. The actress married her long-time beau and co-star Shoaib Ibrahim on February 22 this year. In March 2018, Dipika had admitted that she has converted to Islam before getting hitched to beau Shoaib Ibrahim. Since then we have seen her performing the rituals  in full fervour and from the last few days, she was busy with Eid preparations.

TV actress Dipika Kakar after marrying Shoaib Ibrahim is now a housewife!

Shoaika celebrating Eid

Two days before Eid, the actress was spotted applying hina on her palm, she also went for shopping and finally the duo celebrated their first Eid as man and wife yesterday.

Dipika took to Instagram to write a heartfelt note along with an adorable picture with her hubby on the occasion:

From feeding sevai to posing together, the couple gave us festival goals:

While Dipika looked lovely in her golden sharara, Shoaib complimented her with matching kurta.

Check out some more pics of the couple posing together on Eid:

pic credit: Instagram

pic credit: Instagram

pic credit: Instagram

pic credit: Instagram

pic credit: Instagram