New Delhi: Anyone who has lost weight will tell you that losing weight in not the sore point, maintaining the weight is. The words 'fat to fit' sound impressive in weight-loss promos, but to actually go about shedding those kilos, is one arduous journey. The good thing however is that the trigger to lose those hate handles can come anytime, anywhere - like in the case of Creative Producer and Director Siddharth P Malhotra who lost 40 kilos in four months.

The feat — a triumph of sorts — was praiseworthy, and Siddharth Malhotra was ecstatic since shooing away 40 kilos was no painless task. But, there was no time to laud the tough grind because before the producer-director could pack up the weighing scale and put it away, the nationwide lockdown was announced. No gym, no trainer and easily accessible good food - how was Siddharth ever going to keep the spare tires away? "I realised this was my test. It is one thing to keep fit when you have all the facilities around you, but with no end date to the lockdown, I had to find a way," said the lean producer.

It didn't take long though. Siddharth decided to go back to some basics he had followed when on his diet. These included intermittent fasting, keeping a step-count and not sacrificing the urge for a tea or coffee during the fasting period. "I worked on a schedule as close to what I did previously. I knew it was not going to be easy but when you begin to value health and think of your family, it does not seem so difficult either," said Siddharth.

Pinned to the house, Siddharth has so far managed to keep the flab away. "On most days I am able to almost walk 10,000 steps in the house. And because I am walking so much, I eat less and because of the walking, I get tired and I drink a lot of water, which keeps me hydrated as well. And more or less I keep long fasting sessions which are part of my sleep patterns so I don't feel the pinch there either," the producer-director just about revealed his secret.

In addition, the Hitchki director also picks up a few weights around the house. While he has a wee bit of gym equipment, thanks to his young sons, Siddharth sometime just lifts books or heavy water bottles to keep the adrenaline pumping. "I have also kept myself busy with work. Virtual meetings are happening all the time so my mind is occupied and healthy as well," says Siddharth.

His wife Sapna who has been instrumental in keeping him on course has kept nibbles around the house - lots of greens and baked stuff. A meal now and then can be full-flavoured but the munchies have to be healthful. Siddharth also calls up his trainer and buddy Adil daily - because it is he who taught the producer the science of eating right. Chats with Rohit Roy are more frequent now - Rohit first goaded Siddharth to fight the flab. "I have people around me too keep me going. I was in sheer pain during the shooting of Kaafir when I had a problem even walking a few steps. I realised that if I have to lead a troupe, I better be the fittest. No way, am I going down that road again," Siddharth pledges.

Additionally to all this, Siddharth keeps plenty memorabilia to keep the motivation high. "I had released a music album in 2001, then I was very thin. Those photos are on the internet and also my phone. I keep seeing those photos and reassure myself." The most precious collectable however, is a photo that his wife Sapna has pinned on his phone, one when he was extremely thin. "That photo keeps me going because I think of myself thin and it shows how much Sapna cares," Siddharth signs-off.