New Delhi: Star Plus’ recently launched show ‘Sanjivani 2’ has received praises from the critics for its realistic content. The medical drama starring Surbhi Chandna and Namit Khanna in lead roles is creating a lot of buzz on social media. Surbhi and Namit’s sizzling chemistry has won several hearts. Despite the buzz, the show has failed to perform as per the expectations. Rashmi Singh, who played the role of Dr Asha Kanwar in ‘Sanjivani 2’, will no longer be seen in the show. Yes, you read that right.

According to a report in a leading daily, Chandni Bhagwanani will replace Rashmi as Dr Asha in the show. Chandni, who was last seen in Shashank Vyas and Donal Bisht starrer ‘Roop-Mard Ka Naya Swaroop’, opened up about stepping into the shoes of another actress.

“It is difficult to replace someone, because people have already accepted him/her in that role. Though I love challenges, I am a bit nervous as I will be facing camera almost after a year and that, too, with a character, someone else has already established. However, I will not treat it as a replacement, and will approach it as a new character and will play it my own way,” Chandni told Times Of India.

Talking about Rashmi Singh, she played the role of a doctor and friend of Ishaani (Surbhi Chandna). Her fans will definitely miss her in the show.

Rashmi is currently enjoying a dreamy vacation in Italy and she shared pictures on Instagram.

Talking about ‘Sanjivani 2’, the show also stars Mohnish Bahl, Gurdeep Kohli, Rohit Roy and Sayantani Ghosh in pivotal roles. The show is the third season of medical series ‘Sanjivani’.

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