Hussain Kuwalerwala's 'Sajan Re Phir Jhoot Mat Bolo' leading lady Parvati Vaze is on cloud nine these days as she recently got married to longtime beau Ritesh Nath on 3rd August in the presence of their families and close-friends in Udaipur. The TV actress, who got engaged to Ritesh on 16th March earlier this year after nine years of dating, finally shared her first look as a bride yesterday (19th August) on her social media account. And now, Parvati Vaze has finally shared the pictures from her traditional wedding ceremony.

Parvati with 'Sajan Re..' co-star Hussain Kuwajerwala (Photo: Web)

In one of the marriage pictures posted on social media today (20th August), Parvati and Ritesh, works with a sports management company, are all smiles as they are sitting in mandap during their wedding ceremony. Whereas, in the second picture, the much-in-love couple can be seen holding hands while taking pheras.

Posting the wedding pictures on Instagram, Parvati Vaze wrote, "For all those wondering...yes, the pandit actually does crack jokes at the mandap ♥️♥️♥️ @ritstwobits ♥️♥️♥️"

Take a look at the pictures below (SWIPE LEFT):

Both, Parvati and Ritesh are beaming with joy in the pictures.

On the professional front, Parvati Vaze made her acting debut with Star Plus show ‘Sapno Se Bhare Naina’ opposite Gaurav S Bajaj. She was also seen in Ranbir Kapoor starrer hit film ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’ as Minissha Lamba’s friend.

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