New Delhi: ‘Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2’ has managed to become the talk of the town ever since the makers announced the new season. The first season of the show remained in limelight, all thanks to Yashraj Mukhate’s ‘Rasode Mein Kaun Tha’ music rap. Star Plus recently announced ‘Saathiya 2’ by sharing the first promo on social media last month. The teaser of the show created a lot of buzz as Devoleena Bhattacharjee aka Gopi bahu introduced the character of Gehna.

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We had earlier informed you that Harsh Nagar and Sneha Jain will be seen in the respective roles of Anant and Gehna in ‘Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2’. Interestingly, Rupal Patel and Mohammad Nazim will also reprise their roles of Kokilaben Modi and Ahem Modi respectively.

As per the latest buzz, another actress will be part of the upcoming show. We are talking about Bhavini Purohit, who played the role of Radha in ‘Saathiya’. She was seen as the main antagonist, who made her sister Gopi’s life miserable.

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According to a report in a leading daily, Bhavini will play the role of her own daughter in the new season. The makers killed Radha’s character as part of their new track in the show.

"In Saath Nibhana Saathiya, Bhavini played Radha, who was an antagonist on the show. During the show it was shown that Radha gave birth to a girl who was named Rashi. Bhavini's character was later killed by Gopi. In season 2 however, daughter of Radha and Jigar (Vishal Singh) - Rashi is grown up and Bhavini will be playing this character" a source told Times Of India.

Bhavini shared Yashraj Mukhate’s viral video on her Instagram handle and revealed how Radha would have reacted if she was part of the scene. She also sent a special message to the talented singer-musician, who created the music rap. Check it out!

‘Saath Nibhana Saathiya 2’ is expected to launch a prime time slot on Star Plus before Diwali 2020. The first season went off air in July 2017 after entertaining the viewers for more than 7 years. The show also featured Rucha Hasabnis and Vishal Singh in key roles.

Stay tuned for more updates!