TV actor Bhanu Uday, who is currently playing the lead role of 'Vijay'in popular 'Star Bharat'show 'Saam Daam Dand Bhed', is getting appreciated for his acting skills in the show. Keeping in mind the TRPs of other shows on 'Star Bharat', 'Saam Daam Dand Bhed' is fetching decent numbers too. But here comes a bad news for the fans of Bhanu Uday and 'Saam Daam Dand Bhed'. According to latest buzz, lead actor Bhanu Uday is all set to leave the show. Reportedly, the actor has already put his papers down and is currently serving his notice period.

Bhanu Uday (Photo: Instagram)

Bhanu Uday, who has been a part of various TV show in his TV career till now, is leaving the show to explore new opportunities.

Ex-Bigg Boss contestant and POPULAR TV actress QUITS TV

Speaking about the same, a source close to the 'Star Bharat' show told a leading daily that, “Bhanu has been working on the show for the past one-and-a-half years and he felt it was time to explore newer opportunities that challenge him as an actor. He also wants to take some time off to focus on his personal life. His contract ends on August 28, but the has chosen not to renew it after discussing the same with the production house. The makers have requested him to shoot with them till September 21. His exit track is being worked upon currently. The decision hasn’t caused any bad blood between the actor and the production house. In fact, it’s been an amicable parting."

Bhanu Uday in 'Saam Daam...'(Photo: Star Bharat)

Bhanu Uday is yet to react on the same.

Whereas, there are constant rumors that 'Saam Daam Dang Bhed' will soon bid adieu to the viewers. But show's producer Shyamasis Bhattacharya refused the same and told TOI that, “The show is doing well on the channel. So, I suspect the credibility of these stories and have stopped reacting to such rumours.

'Saam Daam Dand Bhed' went on air in August last year and will soon complete one year of airing.

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