Popular reality show Bigg Boss is all set to return with its twelfth season on Colors TV in the next few months. Salman Khan, whose recent release 'Race 3' created ripples at the box office, will once again don the hat of the host for the show.

The registrations for Bigg Boss 12 are already going on and for the first time ever contestants will enter the show along with their partners. The makers of the show are looking for dynamic duos who can provide entertainment to the viewers.

Speculations regarding the Bigg Boss 12 contestants are rife since quite some time now.  There has been a buzz that MTV Rock On winner Naitik Nagda will enter the Salman Khan hosted show as a commoner.

The talented musician, who is also a singer and drummer, recently opened up about participating in BB 12 with News X.  Nagda confirmed that talks are going on with the makers (Endemol India and Colors TV) for the controversial reality show.

He added that he is caught up with his upcoming projects and is yet to take the conversation with the makers ahead.

Naitik and Badshah (Source- Instagram)

While talking to the news channel, Naitik also revealed that he would love to do a show like Bigg Boss as it is the best place to test one’s true self.

‘’How well you know yourself is what becomes the actual question and that would be the reason for me to agree to do Bigg Boss,’’ Naitik told NewsX.

So are you waiting to see Naitik get locked up inside the Bigg Boss house for over 100 day? Tell us in the comments section below.

Catch all the latest updates about Salman Khan’s Bigg Boss 12 only on Filmy Monkey.

Also Read- 12 Contestants who PEED in OPEN in Bigg Boss history!