New Delhi: Rohit Roy fans can brace themselves for some exciting news about the actor's upcoming projects. As per reports, Rohit Roy is a confirmed participant of the adventure reality show 'Khatron Ke Khiladi Season 13'. In an exclusive chat with ETimes, he confirmed his participation and spoke about signing up for KKK 13.

Rohit shared that his wife Manasi pushed him to try something different. "My daughter Kiara was worried. She is daddy's little girl, so she was worried about me. But, it was my wife Manasi, who has always pushed me to do different things, so I always give her the credit. I have a lot of phobias but I also love the mountains and have embarked on thrilling bike rides in North India. However, competing in a show is different. Here, you are not only doing heavy duty stunts but also competing with one another. So, it is going to be an interesting experience because you have to better yourself every time."

Rohit also spoke about his brother Ronit's excitement as the former signed up for the show. "Ronit himself loves adventures. In fact, I feel people would have wanted him to participate in the show instead of me. For the last two years, the makers were approaching me for the show, but due to other commitments I could not do them. However, this year, I wanted to do the show because it has always been on my wishlist."

'Khatron Ke Khiladi' is shot in South Africa so he is most likely to be away from his family for a few weeks. About missing his family, he told the publication, "No, I don't think I will miss my family. I regularly do solo trips and take time away for myself throughout the year and I feel such breaks are needed to rejuvenate and do some introspection. This trip will be a different experience, something that you can't buy. And, it is also work at the end of the day, so my family will be hoping that I do my best."

Among other confirmed participants of ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’, Anjali Anand, Shiva Thakare, Anjum Fakih, Archan Gautam, Nyrra Banerjee, Sheezan Khan, Arjit Taneja, Ruhi Chaturvedi are also included.