Veteran film & television actress Vidya Sinha, breathed her last today, a week after she was hospitalised after she complained of breathlessness. The actress was on a ventilator support after she was rushed to a Mumbai hospital in a critical condition with aggravated heart and lung disorders.
Vidya Sinha, was last seen popular Star Plus show Kulfi Kumar Bajewala, as lead actor Sikandar’s mother.
According to reports, the 72-year-old veteran had been suffering from a chronic lung condition since a few years, which got aggravated suddenly. She developed severe breathlessness and had to be rushed to Mumbai’s Criticare Hospital in Juhu, few days ago and passed away at 12 noon today(August 15, 2019).
Vidya Sinha
Vidya Sinha has been associated with many hit 70s & 80s films like Chhoti Si Bat, Rajnigandha, Saboot and Pati Patni Aur Woh.
In recent years, the actress was quite active on small screen and was part of shows like Kavyanjali, Bhabhi and Bahu Rani and recent Kulfi Kumar Bajewala.
She is surfived by adopted daughter Jhanvi.
Our heartfelt condolences to her family and may her departed soul rest in peace.
RIP! Veteran Film & TV Actress Vidya Sinha Who Was On Ventilator Dies Today!
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
15 Aug 2019 02:22 PM (IST)
The actress was on a ventilator support after she was rushed to a Mumbai hospital in a critical condition with aggravated heart and lung disorders.
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