Actress Pankhuri Awasthy says her upcoming show on star plus titled"Kya Qusoor Hai Amala Ka?" will feature her in an unconventional avatar. The actress who played a fierce ruler in her last show "Razia Sultan" on & TV has now taken on the role of an innocent girl in her upcoming show which is an adaptation of Turkish show "Fatmagul".

Pankhuri Awasthy last played a fierce ruler in her last show "Razia Sultan" on & TV

"Kya Qusoor Hai Amala Ka?" tackles the complex emotions and a sensitive subject of violation of the innocence of a woman.

YAY!Get ready for an Indian remake of Turkish drama ‘Fatmagul’ titled ‘Kya Kasoor Hai Amla Ka’ on Star Plus!

"It feels amazing to be a part of this show, ‘Kya Qusoor Hai Amala Kya?' I'm really happy to have this opportunity of playing the lead," Pankhuri said in a statement.

Actress Pankhuri Awasthy plays the titular character of Amla in upcoming star plus show "Kya Qusoor Hai Amala Ka?" which is the Indian adaptation of Turkish drama 'Fatmagul'

"Amala is an unconventional character and a huge responsibility as the way such shows are perceived in the Indian society. It is very sensitive, hence the makers have kept in mind the Indian sensibilities while creating the show," she added.

Turkish show "Fatmagul" is one of the best TV shows in the world

Set in Dharamsala, the show is being remade by Purnendu Shekhar, Nandita Mehra and Bhairavi Raichura of 24 Frames.

Besides Pankhuri, the Star Plus show will also feature Rajveer Singh, Anant Joshi, Rajesh Khattar, Akshay Anand and Kasturi Banerjee.

"Kya Qusoor Hai Amala Ka?" will start from April 3.