And now that the newlyweds are back in Mumbai from Goa, the Sen family welcomed their daughter-in-law Charu in a traditional Bengali ceremony. The newlywed TV actress was welcomed in Rajeev’s family in the most loving way and was showered with warmth and endearment.
INSIDE PICS of Sushmita Sen from brother Rajeev Sen & Charu Asopa’s wedding
Rajeev's family performed the 'griha pravesh' ritual for the new bride and welcomed her inside following the Bou Baran rituals.
The ceremony included aarti of Charu by her mother-in-law(Sushmita Sen's mother), Ululudhvani in the background made by the ladies in the family and the bride stepping into a large plate containing lac dye (red in colour) and milk, and enters the new house leaving colourful footprints on the floor.
Charu's mother Neelam Asopa shared videos from the griha pravesh ceremony,check them all here: