Roadies fame Raghu Ram got married to his Italian-Canadian classical-crossover singer girlfriend Natalie Di Luccio on December 12 in Goa. It was a perfect beach wedding for the couple. The traditional south Indian wedding saw the bride dressed in a white and red sari, while the groom sported a white kurta with a red dhoti.

pic credit: Instagram

Natalie and Raghu shared photos from their wedding ceremonies on their respective Instagram accounts. Interestingly, Raghu's ex-wife Sugandha Garg posted a heartfelt message for the newlyweds on social media.

This is the second wedding for Raghu Ram. He was previously married to actress Sugandha Garg. The couple had announced their divorce in the coolest way earlier this year and continued to be friends.

And now Sugandha shared a picture of the newlyweds and wrote a beautiful post congratulating the newlyweds:

On a related note, Raghu and Natalie got engaged in August this year in South Africa, and got married in Goa yesterday amongst close family and friends.