TV actor Pratish Vora, who is seen playing the role of lead character Omkar's (Aashay Mishra) elder brother 'Nandu Gupta' in Star Bharat show 'Pyaar Ke Papad', is going through a tough phase in his personal life. The TV actor is deeply saddened by the sudden demise of his 2 year old daughter. Reportedly, Pratish Vora's daughter lost her life last night (8th May) in an unfortunate accident while playing with a toy at their residence.

TV actor Pratish Vora's 2 year old daughter dies in an unfortunate accident!
Pratish Vora (Photo: Instagram)

According to reports, Pratish Vora's 2 year old daughter swallowed a toy while playing with it. She failed to throw up due to which she passed away.

Speaking about the same, with a heavy heart, Pratish Vora told Tellychakkar that, "It happened last night when she gulped a piece of the toy that she was playing with. Please send in your prayers for her."

Pratish Vora's daughter (Photo: Instagram)

Whereas, a source told Mid Day, "This happened last night, I got a call and was informed about the demise of the Pratish Vora's daughter. She had apparently swallowed a plastic piece which got stuck in her throat. The couple has already taken a flight to Rajkot early in the morning with the body of their daughter, to perform the last rites. It was an unfortunate episode."

Pratish with lead actor Aashay in 'Pyaar Ke Papad'

This is indeed a tough time for the actor. Here's hoping that he gathers the strength to cope up with the loss.

May his daughter's soul rest in peace!