Last seen in Sony TV's 'Reporters', actress Ankita Bhargava is all set to play the protagonist in Doordarshan's 'VIDYA- Ek Ummeed Ki Kiran'. Anubhav. K. Srivastava will play the lead antagonist 'Rohit Aryan' in the show.

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This FIVE minute VIDEO of Karan Patel and Ankita Bhargava’s ‘arranged marriage’ will make you fall in LOVE! WATCH INSIDE

Ankita, in the last 7 years had done various other television shows but never got to play the lead role. Ankita is now all set to play 'Vidya' the titular role in the DD's show that shows 'Vidya' fight the battle against the Politics in our education system. 

Vidya plays a school teacher who's up against a rich and corrupt 'Rohit'.

OMG! Karan Patel tries HARD to prove his innocence to wife Ankita! Here is how!

Ankita started shooting for the show on June 2 and it will air from 13th June Monday to Friday at 930 pm on DD National.