Recently, The Bombay High Court  granted interim protection to Pratyusha Banerjee's Boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh from arrest till April 18. Rahul who has been booked for abetting the suicide of his girlfriend and TV star Pratyusha Banerjee was directed by Justice Mridula Bhatkar to appear before Bangurnagar police station in suburban Goregaon and Rahul obeyed the order as he was seen at the Bangur Police station.

Also: Pratyusha Banerjee suicide: Rahul Raj Singh’s ex-girlfriend’s statement RECORDED by Police

Rahul came in an ambulance with teary eyes and as soon as he stepped out of the ambulance, Rahul faced a lot of questions from the media. In what was the first time interaction between media and Rahul, Rahul was seen with teary eyes and he replied only one thing in return.

Also: WEDDING PICS of Rahul Raj Singh & Ex-wife Sougata Mukherjee, the Air Hostess!

He said, '' Bring Pratyusha back. Can you’ Can you bring Pratyusha back.’’ Earlier, the judge also directed that in case Rahul is arrested, he should be released on a bond of Rs 30,000.

Rahul STILL NOT DIVORCED to Wife Sougata!; Was exchanging lovey-dovey messages with her while dating Pratyusha!
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