Colors' popular reality show 'Bigg Boss', hosted by Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, helped commoner contestants like Romil Choudhary, Saba Khan, Roshmi Banik, Deepak Thakur among others to make their presence felt. Remember 'Bigg Boss 12' commoner contestant Urvashi Vani, the shy girl from Bihar? Urvashi Vani, who was known for simplicity and innocence, recently made headlines after undergoing a glamorous makeover. Urvashi is very active on social media and has now posted pictures from her glamorous photo-shoot.

Urvashi with 'BB12' partner Deepak Thakur (Photo: Web)

Urvashi Vani, who entered the 'Bigg Boss' house with Deepak Thakur and bonded well with co-contestants Srishty Rode, Karanvir Bohra, Dipika Kakar Ibrahim among others, is looking totally different from her 'Bigg Boss' days in the photo shoot pictures.

In the pictures, she is looking stunning and stylish in a red outfit. Take a look at her photo-shoot pictures below (SWIPE LEFT):

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Isn't she looking amazing in her new avatar?

On a related note, Urvashi Vani failed to survive for a long time in 'Bigg Boss 12 and got eliminated from the reality show on 49th day. Urvashi & her jodidaar Deepak's bonding hit a rough patch during their stay in the 'Bigg Boss' house. Even after the show, the are still not on talking terms.

An aspiring singer, Urvashi Vani is currently in Mumbai and has been trying to get her foothold in the industry.

Stay tuned for more updates!