Popular 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' lead actor Mohsin Khan's younger sister Zeba Khan, who got engaged to fiance Taha on September 10 last year, finally tied the knot with him in a traditional nikah ceremony on 6th January in Mumbai in the presence of their families and close-friends. The TV actor, who is currently playing the role of 'Kartik Goenka' in the top-rated Star Plus show, looked super-happy in the wedding pictures which went viral on Internet. Now, new pictures from Zeba's bidaai ceremony are doing the rounds on Internet in which Mohsin is seen sharing an emotional moment with his newly-married sister.

Mohsin Khan with sister Zeba during haldi ceremony (Photo: Instagram)

In the picture, an emotional Mohsin is hugging sister Zeba Khan during the 'Bidaai' ceremony. Take a look at the pictures below (SWIPE LEFT):

Zeba Khan's pre-wedding ceremonies kick-started with the haldi ceremony which took place on New Year's eve. Post which, the sangeet ceremony took place in which Mohsin Khan danced his heart out with 'Yeh Rishta..' c0-star and girlfriend Shivangi Joshi.

For the uninitiated, Mohsin’s sister Zeba Khan found love through an online matchmaking portal & the couple has finally exchanged nuptial vows.

Here's wishing Mohsin's sister a happy married life!

ALSO READ: 'Yeh Rishta...' lead actor Mohsin Khan's sister gets married; Here are the wedding pictures!