Popular television actress Jaswir Kaur, who was last seen in Waaris, is all set to embrace motherhood. The pretty actress is expecting her first child with husband Vishal Madlani. The actress who shot to fame with her stint in CID is over joyous these days and is excited to be a mother for the first time. Jaswir is currently on a maternity break from work and is enjoying her pregnancy phase to the fullest.Recently, the actress was seen flaunting her baby bump in style at an award function.

Jaswir Kaur in 'Waaris'

And now once again she proved that the pregnancy phase is not stopping her from enjoying life to fullest as she was recently spotted partying hard at her friend's birthday bash flaunting her huge baby bump.

Jaswir with her 'Waaris' co-star Lavina Tandon

Both Jaswir and her friend took to their Instagram story to share clips from the bash, watch below:

The actress is currently in her third trimester and her growing belly proves that she is nearing her delivery date but that doesn't stop her from having a gala time and partying with friends.

Jaswir Kaur parties hard with her friend

No wonder these party pics and videos prove that she is going to be one yummy-mummy of small screen!