TV actor Ashish Sharma better known as small screen's Ram post his hit Star Plus show 'Siya Ke Ram' and currently seen on Prithvi Vallabh is a doting hubby in real life.

Archna-Ashish in one of the pic from their hot photo shoot

Recently the actor and his wife Archana Taide surprised everyone with their hot photo shoot to mark their fifth wedding anniversary.

TV star Ashish Sharma is currently playing the lead role in Sony TV's recently launched period drama 'Prithvi Vallabh' opposite Sonarika Bhadoria

IN PICS: TV's Ram Ashish Sharma's HOT PHOTO SHOOT with wife Archana will leave you jaw-dropped!

The couple recently completed five years of marital bliss and to mark the special occasion Ashish and his wife have bared it all and their chemistry is for everyone to see

And now on Valentine's Day, Ashish shared a picture of his with Archana, where they can be seen sharing a passionate kiss in a swimming pool.

The actor, who is happily married to Archana for the last 5 years, shared an image on his Instagram account and wished his fans a happy Valentine's Day.

Screenshot of Ashish Sharma's Instagram page

The picture surely speaks a thousand words about the amount of love they have for each other. No wonder they are one of the favourite couples of the telle-ville!