New Delhi: The trailer of Arjun Kapoor, Kriti Sanon and Sanjay Dutt starrer ‘Panipat’ was unveiled on Tuesday (November 5). The historical saga, which has been directed by Ashutosh Gowariker, is based on the ‘third battle of Panipat’. Arjun Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt are playing the respective roles of Sadashiv Rao Bhau and Ahmed Shah Abdali in the film. The trailer of ‘Panipat’ has received a mixed response on social media.

TV actor Siddharth Nigam’s look-alike brother Abhishek Nigam is also part of ‘Panipat’, which releases on December 6. While Siddharth is currently seen as Aladdin in Sony SAB’s 'Aladdin—Naam Toh Suna Hoga', his elder brother Abhishek will make his Bollywood debut with ‘Panipat’.

Abhishek Nigam shared the trailer of ‘Panipat’ on his Instagram handle.

Talking about his role, Abhishek told an entertainment portal that he is playing the character of Vishwas Rao in the film.

THROWBACK! Tv's Aladdin Siddharth Nigam & his big brother Abhishek celebrate their Birthday which falls on the same day!

Yes, I’m a part of the film and I will be playing the character of Vishwas Rao. The film will mark my debut in Bollywood and is also my comeback in acting after two years, so I’m very excited and equally nervous. The experience was splendid and as it was my first film so it was much of a learning experience. Working with Ashutosh Giwarikar sir was a wonderful opportunity. I actually almost left acting but I have made a comeback after two years under the guidance of Ashutosh Sir and I’m really hopeful this film works for me,” Abhishek told India Forums.

The actor shared his first look from 'Panipat' on social media.

Abhishek and Siddharth have shared screen-space in Star Plus’ ‘Chandra Nandini’. Abhishek was also seen in Big Magic’s ‘Akbar’.

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