New Delhi: Star Plus show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein is going to have some interesting twist and turns. But well, here is some bad news for the fans of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein star Aly Goni aka Romi Bhalla.

Aly Goni has been hospitalized. As per news in India Forums, “The actor is suffering from a kidney stone and he mentioned about how the pain of that is absolutely the worst. Recently Aly had also undergone a nose surgery.”

Aly also posted about this on his Insta story.

It was in the start of this month that actor under nose surgery. That time also he posted series of pictures on Instagram as Insta stories and he visibly looked in too much pain with his nose bleeding.

On a related note, Aly Goni is in relationship with beautiful Yeh Hai Mohabbatein co-star Krishna Mukherjee who plays his onscreen niece 'Alia' in the show.