One of the longest running shows on Indian Television, 'Balika Vadhu' is now set to bring curtains down. Launched in 2008, the show saw many changes with new actors joining, faces of characters changing with twists in the story line but now here's a sad news for the fans of this show.

According to reports, the show will air it's last episode on 31st July.

A source associated with the show told TOI , "We have been informed about the decision. The unit will shoot the last episode around July 22. The show has run its course and it will make no sense to drag it any further." Apparently, low ratings is also a reason behind the decision. The makers brought back veteran actress Surekha Sikri recently in a hope to regain lost ground, but it didn't work.

Mahhi, who plays the protagonist Nandini, was quoted saying by TOI, "I have not been informed officially about this. It is unfortunate if 'Balika Vadhu' is coming to an end. I wish the show was promoted well as no one knew that it was airing at an early evening time slot. For me, it's time to move on professionally."

Ruslan Mumtaz, who plays the male lead in the show, says, "This hasn't been announced yet. I was told that we would be informed at least two months before the show shuts. But if it is ending, then it is time to move on to another project."

Credits: TOI