Appearances can be deceptive, and holds true for the contestants of 'MTV Roadies Real Heroes'. With every week, not only the competition gets tough, but the fight for survival and to be on top leaves room for a series of manipulations, double-minded games and rivalries. This week, a surprise triple eviction on 'Roadies Real Heroes' has left the contestants and gang leaders in complete shock.

It all began with Rannvijay Singha introducing this week’s task ‘Puzzle Hustle’ to the contestants. Divided between the two teams, each team will have two gangs where the contestants have to collect the puzzle blocks from water and solve the puzzle on a floating boat. Gang leaders help their team to solve the puzzle. Whoever wins gets three immunities for their team.

Things fuel up when Neha Dhupia and Sandeep Singh get into a verbal rant for choosing the deserving contestant for the immunity. Neha blames Raftaar, Prince Narula, Nikhil Chinapa and Sandeep for ganging up against her. Rannvijay plays the role of a peace maker and calms down the situation.

Amidst this, comes the vote out night and Rannvijay shocks everyone by announcing the triple vote out for the week. Who will survive this week’s intense vote out? Tune into MTV this Sunday at 7PM.