New Delhi: Gaurav Gera, who is know for his Chutki and Shopkeeper videos, just got eliminated from Jhalak Dikhlaa Jaa season 9 recently. In an interview with, Gaurav revealed that he will not go again in Jhalak as a wild card entry. Actor said “ I refuse to hurt myself to this extent. Although i would love come and be around but there will be no participation.”
Talking about his wardrobe malfunction, he said “ All through the performance, I was only calculating my steps so that I don’t fall but was also confused whether to remove the skirt, continue the dance or go for a retake. But in Jhalak, there are no retakes. But at the end i completed my performance.” Gaurav added that it used to be very difficult while dressing up like a girl as one has to sit for 15-16 hours for the shoot.
Talking about his personal life, Gaurav said that he doesn’t have time for girlfriend as it is difficult to handle him because of his mood swings. Last time when he was in a relationship, that was ten years ago.
Well, Chutki, that’s a very long time though.