Karishma Tanna and Vivek Dahiya starrer ‘Qayamat Ki Raat’ on Star Plus has kept the viewers on the edge of their seats with its interesting episodes. The supernatural drama is doing quite well on the TRP ratings front despite airing at an early weekend slot. Nirbhay Wadha has received praises from the fans as the evil undead Tantrik-Kaalasur, who creates havoc in the lives of Gauri (Karishma) and Raj (Vivek).

Speculations were rife that the makers were looking for Nirbhay’s replacement as he was rumoured to come late on the sets of the show. A report in a leading daily had said that the ‘Mahabharat’ actor would get replaced on the show but he continued to be part of it.

(Nirbhay as Kaalasur in QKR)

Grapevines are now buzzing with the news that the producers have asked Nirbhay to leave the show and they have already got his replacement.

(Nirbhay Wadhwa, source- Instagram)

A report in an entertainment portal suggested that Saurish Singh Athwal, recently seen in the show ‘21 Sarfarosh: Saragarhi 1897’, will step into Nirbhay’s shoes and play the new Tantrik.

“After a hurried search the makers decided on finalising Saurish, who fits into the character really well as he has a well-built physique,” a source told IWMBuzz.

The report also said that the Saurish has already commenced shooting for the supernatural saga.

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