New Delhi: Star Plus’ ‘Nach Baliye 9’ has grabbed eyeballs more because of the controversies than its content. It won’t be wrong to say that the popular dance reality show has managed to stay in limelight due to the constant off-screen drama. Ex-couple Madhurima Tuli and Vishal Aditya Singh’s constant fight is creating a lot of buzz. After getting eliminated, the two ‘Chandrakanta’ co-stars returned back as wild card jodi.

A report in an entertainment portal has suggested that Vishal and Madhurima abused each other once again during the rehearsals. Things got escalated to such a level that they came to blows. They reportedly fought like wild animals and what followed was blood and injury to the production guys.

"Choicest of expletives were given from both sides. Both refused to stop when ordered by the production team," a source told SpotboyE.

The production team had to physically intervene to pull them apart. However, by the time they managed to separate them, Vishal Aditya Singh was bleeding, the report added.

The production guys had no choice but to physically intervene and pull them apart, but by this time Vishal Aditya Singh was bleeding.

Nach Baliye 9: Did Vishal & Madhurima’s Choreographer QUIT The Show Because Of Their Unprofessional Behavior? 

Madhurima Tuli’s mother confirmed that things got ugly during the rehearsals on Thursday (September 19).  She didn’t reveal the details about their fight but told the portal, ‘’No police complaint has been filed.’’

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