New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is all set to launch ‘Nach Baliye 9’ on Star Plus. The last season of the dance reality show was won by ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein’ actress Divyanka Tripathi and hubby Vivek Dahiya. The couple was supposed to host the grand premiere episode of ‘NB 9’ but they have opted out after Vivek was hospitalized due to intestinal infection.

The makers of the show are leaving no stone unturned to make the opening episode of ‘Nach Baliye 9’ a blockbuster affair. The new season will see ex-couples competing against real-life jodis on the dance floor. Vishal Aditya, will shake a leg along with his ‘Chandrakanta’ co-star and former girlfriend Madhurima Tuli.  A promo featuring Vishal and a masked girl was shared by Star Plus last month.

The shooting for the first episode of ‘Nach Baliye 9’ is going on in full swing as the show is expected to go on air from July 20.

While fans are eagerly waiting to see Vishal and Madhurima on the dance floor, an inside scoop from the sets suggest that the two were at loggerheads during the shoot of first episode.

A report in an entertainment portal said that the former lovebirds had a heated argument on the sets.

Madhurima also abused Vishal and their fight created a lot of drama on the sets, the report in IWMBuzz said.

Talking about ‘Nach Baliye 9’, the show will be judged by Raveena Tandon, ‘Bharat’ director Ali Abbas Zafar and choreographer Ahmed Khan.

The confirmed contestants for ‘Nach Baliye 9’ include Prince Narula-Yuvika Chaudhary, Anita Hassanandani-Rohit Reddy, Shantanu Maheshwari- Nityaami Shirke, Keith Sequeira-Rochelle Rao, Urvashi Dholakia- Anuj Sachdeva and Sourabh Raaj Jain-Riddhima Jain.

For all the updates related to 'Nach Baliye 9', click on THIS LINK.