New Delhi: Star Plus show Naamkarann has become quite popular among the audience. Well, all thanks to Aditi Rathore and Zain Imam aka Neil-Avni’s chemistry in the show.

But sometimes this on-screen chemistry works off-screen too. It definitely seems here. There are whispers about Zain Imam and Aditi Rathore getting quite close. It is being said that two are dating now.

As per our source, “Zain and Aditi are very close to each other. They have started liking each other. And even they credit their fans for showing them that how good they look together. They are also attending house parties together. In their circle now everyone knows about their off screen chemistry.”

So, only close friends known about their relationship.

For those who have come late, Aditi broke up with her longtime boyfriend Shreedhan Singh and Zain Imam was single.

When we contacted Zain Imam, he was quite furious over this and said, “Last time I was linked to Nalini and now I am being linked, Are you even serious?”

Actor refused to comment further.

We tried to contact Aditi Rathore but she didn’t respond.

Well, thanks Zain for clearing this out. Now all the fan clubs of Naamkarann and Neil-Avni can take a sigh of relief as all those dating rumours about them are untrue.