The wedding ceremony reportedly took place on March 20 in Taj-ul-Masajid which is a mosque situated in Bhopal. Actor Zaan Khan shared a picture from the wedding ceremony in which he's posing with groom Zeeshan. Posting the picture on Instagram, Zaan captioned it as, "NIKAH MUBARAK @zeeshan_khan_sudagarr @maryam.aziz26 #sayMashaAllah"
Take a look at his post below:
He also posted a video in which Zeeshan is seen in a car looking super-excited for the wedding.
Here are few more pictures & videos from the wedding ceremony:
On the career front, Zeeshan Khan made his TV debut with brother Zaan Khan's show 'Hamari Bahu Silk'.
Heartiest congratulations to the newlyweds!