Popular 'Star Plus' show 'Naamkarann', starring Aditi Rathore & Zain Imam in lead roles, recently went off-air. The show's fans are missing their favorite on-screen jodi of 'Avni' & Neil', fondly called as 'avnil'. Apart from the lead actors, Sayantani Ghosh's character 'Neela' too got appreciation for breaking stereotypes related to step-mothers. Now here's a good news for 'Naamkarann' fans as Sayantani is all set to re-unite on-screen with her co-star from the much-loved 'Star Plus' show.
Sayantani Ghosh (Photo: Instagram)
Reportedly, Sayantani has been roped in to be a part of &TV's upcoming show 'Laal Ishq'. 'Laal Ishq' will showcase interesting love stories with paranormal twists & Sayantani will be a part of one of the episodics.
KHATRON KE KHILADI 9: POPULAR 'Naamkarann' actor to PARTICIPATE in the show!
According to the latest buzz, Sayantani will be joining her 'Naamkarann' co-star Karam Rajpal in 'Laal Ishq'. The handsome TV hunk played the antagonist 'Vidyut' in 'Naamkarann' & it'll be interesting to see them together on-screen again.
Karam Rajpal (Photo: Instagram)
Apart from Sayantani & Karam, the episodic will also feature TV actress Veebha Anand who has been a part of various popular shows like 'Balika Vadhu', 'Kaisi Yeh Yaariaan' among others.
'Naamkarann' actress BAGS important role in another TV show!
Sayantani is yet to react on the same.
Sayantani & Karam in 'Naamkarann' (Photo: Web)
Speaking about 'Laal Ishq', the show's concept is indeed different & intriguing. The first episode of 'Laal Ishq' will feature 'Bigg Boss 11' fame Priyank Sharma with Niti Taylor & Preetika Rao.
Stay tuned for more updates!