New Delhi: Star Plus show ‘Naamkarann’ has been into headlines since its starts due to its Star cast. Lead actress of the show before the leap, Barkha Bisht Sengupta is currently having good time with her husband Indraneil Sengupta and daughter in Thailand.

Barkha and her family are relaxing and indulging in water sports on the beaches. But actress gave her fans a surprise by posting sizzling pictures of herself in the bikini.

While posting the picture on Instagram, she wrote “U've made me look better than I actually do ... well done @indraneilsengupta for capturing me so perfectly with @repostapp

In love with the shape of you ❤️ @barkhasengupta”

Check out these pictures:

Barkha and Indraneil got married in year 2008 and have a five-year-old daughter Meera. They have worked together in  TV shows like ‘Pyaar Ke Do Naam: Ek Raadha, Ek Shyaam' and 'Doli Saja Ke’.