Veteran TV actress Sudha Chandran who is currently seen on Star Plus' Yeh Hai Mohabbatein mourned the deaths of her young make-up man Pravin Yadav, who worked with her closely in Naagin series and a dancer, Tanuja, who lost their lives in road accidents. According to reports, Pravin was travelling to Benaras, his relative's place, when the accident took place.

He succumbed to injuries on the other hand, not much is known about Tanuja's death if she was travelling along with the deceased makeup artist. Sudha took to Instagram to mourn both the deaths.

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The actress shared a picture snapped with the make-up man, Pravin Yadav, who died at an accident and  wrote, "Om shanti pravin... wil miss u terribly.. return if possible... pl come back... lost my makeup man of naagin 1nd 2 pravin.... in a road accident." - (sic

The Naagin star also shared a picture of the dancer, who also died in a road accident. She wrote, "Om shanti tanuja. u were too young to leave tis world... fantastic dancer nd a great human being whom we lost last nyte due to a road accident... she performed with me too...." - (sic)

Many TV stars also responded to Sudha's post and offered their condolences. While Mouni Roy wrote, "May her soul rest in peace." - (sic). Pankaj Bhatia wrote, "OMG ... First it was ur makeup guy and now dis... People need to take road safety on top priority..."- (sic). Adaa Khan also commented, and wrote "RIP Praveen." - (sic)