New Delhi: Ekta Kapoor’s hit supernatural show ‘Naagin 3’ is back with all the new star cast. The trailer of the show revealed Anita Hassanandani, Karishma Tanna and Rajat Tokas’ look. But role and look of Surbhi Jyoti is still a secret.

Now we hear that this time lead actress Surbhi Jyoti will not be a Naagin. As per news in, “Surbhi will not be seen in a ‘naagin avatar’ to begin with and will instead essay the role of a farmer’s daughter, Bela.”

In a press conference, talking about her role, Surbhi said, “My character’s father is a farmer and under a lot of debt. Bela helps him get him get out of the situation and the obstacles she faces along the way form the journey of the character.”

Actress also said that she can’t reveal whether she is a Naagin in the show or not as it is a surprise.

Karishma Tanna and Rajat Tokas’s role in the show will be for only a month and then story will be around Anita Hassanandani, Surbhi Jyoti and Pearl V Puri.

Meanwhile, while talking about replacing Mouni Roy from the ‘Naagin’ series, Surbhi told Bollywoodlife, “Yes, I was really confused because of the comparison and concept thing but then I realised whatever it is, it’s the numero uno show on Indian TV. And if I am being offered this show, I should take it as a compliment that people feel I can fit the part and it’s another feather in my cap,”

Are you exited to see Surbhi Jyoti in Naagin 3?